Katie, who previously brought us ‘I Don’t Drink’ and ‘How You’ve Changed’, is bringing us her latest track ‘Mind Like Yours’ released 27th September 2024.
The song is very much an acoustic sound, very calm and tranquil even when building to the chorus. Katie has posted to her social media personifying her song saying:
“If a song could be a friend , I think this would be it. And if it can be a friend to anybody else too, then my mind is all the happier for it!”
I can understand how the song offers the warm reassuring glow of a friend, perhaps even evoking thought of your own dear friends.

“The thing about dreaming is you have to go it alone
You fall asleep and find yourself deep in the real depths of your soul
Elaborate on the good times scary thoughts take hold
The hardest thing about dreaming is you have to go it alone.”
Whilst dreaming is a singular activity, it’s something that we all do, and once we find people dear to us, it can become a second reality, or a space of manifestation for the real world. It’s true that dreams are the deepest parts of your soul and how your unconscious self can come alive in dreams. It can be both scary and daunting when certain thoughts take hold, however, as the lyric suggests “Elaborate on the good times”.
“It lives somewhere within us we all want it to go
Keeps you on the beaten path like a weight on your back it won’t let you get too bold
It grows well in excuses in good times it just endures
It finds the best nourishment in self critical minds like yours.”
The second verse shows how dreams and ambitions live within us and can provide a great source of direction in our lives; yet at the same time it can become a burden “like a weight on your back”. Having said this it’s the constant learning that makes us humble and “won’t let you get too bold”. It can also be said that this verse is also talking about the anxiety or imposter syndrome that we all face and how “It finds the best nourishment in self critical minds like yours.”
“Too many boys that were no damn good too many reasons for giving up
Give it an inch and it’ll take a mile if it takes a hold it’ll take your smile
Give it time and it’ll take it away give it a reason to make you stay
Half a chance and it’ll have a good time doubting on yourself for your whole life.”
The chorus details the opportunities and excuses we’ve presented ourselves, some perhaps justifiably, but we’ve stuck to our gut and the expression of giving an inch then they’ll take a mile (more than you’re prepared to give). If we let ourselves be ruled by our anxieties and insecurities then “if it takes hold it’ll take your smile.” meaning that it’s got “half a chance and it’ll have a good time doubting on yourself for your whole life.” We all deserve to be free from the shackles of fear, and be able to embrace our full selves. Instead of constant anxiety, we need confidence in our convictions, and in our abilities.
“The fake friends and failed romances gave it strength to take control
Your broke down jeep that one bad week gave it reason to come home
Give you a break when you hit the big time you’ll get big headed if you’ve been bad
You can never choose but if you win or lose it’ll be there to see you crash.”
Verse three recounts further opportunities to lead you down the spiral of despair and deprication. The verse also provides context and perspective “give you a break when you hit the big time you’ll get big headed if you’ve been bad.” Meaning that we can create opportunities whether things are going great, or not so we’ll. I find the last lyric in this verse interesting because whilst we may have ups and downs along our respective journeys, our inner psyche will always accompany us. Whilst as the lyrics state “You can never choose but if you win or lose it’ll be there to see you crash” the same can be said for when we flourish and achieve!
The song twice returns to the chorus before proceeding to a bridge and the final verse.
“It knocked you back when you come unstuck all you ever really wanted was love
You’ve got a hell of a sparkle when you look in your eyes don’t go believing the world’s lies
A force to reckon with at seventeen the biggest dreamer I’d ever seen
You’ve got the work and the will to fight your cause don’t let a mind like yours make it a loss.”
This verse portrays how we can get the wind taken out of our sails in life, and sometimes in love. It reminds us that we all hold that “hell of a sparkle when you look in your eyes” we’ve all got something unique to give. A stand out lyric for me in this verse is “don’t go believing the world’s lies”, because it’s all to easy to see the negative in life, especially highlighted in the news and media; however there is so much positivity to life, so much kindness extended to others that goes undetected and unrecognised. Particularly the reaching hand provided through music, its relatability and resonance with the audience provides that reassuring grasp on reality.
“A force to reckon with seventeen, the biggest dreamer I’d ever seen” shows how when we are in our teenage years approaching what many would consider the adult world, we can become quite formidable because there is the will to work and to fight your cause. It continues to detail how it’s our mindset and approach that will intimately determine our success “don’t let a mind like yours make it a loss.”
The song concludes by playing the chorus again reminding us to belief in ourselves. Whilst circumstances may be full on, we have the resilience to overcome it and be ourselves.
The song will be available to download and stream from 27th September 2024. Be sure to follow Katie on her social pages as well as on music platforms and keep an eye out for her exciting new music and where you can see her perform.
