Crossfire Heart are an exciting UK country band comprising of Louise (Female Vocalist and Songwriter), Leon (Male Vocalist and Songwriter) and Gareth (Guitarist and Songwriter).
The song is essentially about having something or someone in your life which makes you feel happy and complete. It’s about experiencing something that aligns you with yourself and makes you feel like you’ve become who you are ‘supposed to be’. Hopefully you hear the sincerity of the sentiment in the song and the message of hope and positivity within it.
Louise from Crossfire Heart tells me that she wrote the lyrics for the song just as the band was forming. For her, it is written from a personal perspective, reflecting on the positivity which comes from having a creative element in her life.

"Sometimes there are dark days
When the demons come to call
Sometimes there are days
When I just feel nothing at all
But every now and then
Days like these can see me through
Where the stars align, the world’s alight,
I remember you"
The 'dark days' and 'demons' referenced within the first verse could perhaps be relating to the times before we've found happiness. This is of course not exclusive to these emotions and can set in even when on our highest high. The lyrics seem to suggest it's a transaction between at least two individuals
"And even if it’s only in my mind
The thought of you
Can get me through
When hope is hard to find
More than ready now to play my part
And far from feeling that I’ve won
I’m ready for what is to come
You tame my crazy, restless, reckless heart."
The chorus depicts how 'even if it's only in my mind, the thought of you, can get me through' it embodies the love and support we receive. It also shows the power of positive mindset in so much as whether or not they're thinking or saying that. You're envisaging them being present should be enable us to feel greater love. The chorus also seems to touch on mental health "When hope is hard to find, more than ready now to play my part, ... I'm ready for what is to come' it demonstrates the journey we all encounter. The hope of finding someone can turn to despair, however that's only if you're not truly comfortable in your own company. 'I'm ready for what is to come' is resigning themselves to the events of life. Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't fully understand the rationale.

"Tell me that you’re gonna stay
We’ll always make it through
‘Cause God knows how I’d ever live. In this world without you
And if you’re wanting to know the truth
About what you mean to me
You make me feel
Like I’ve become
Who I’m supposed to be"
Verse two details about someone staying, perhaps this is meaning our positive disposition, fluctuating between emotions, and hints at how we'd cope if we ever weren't with this positive self. Alternatively this can be placed on to an external individual such as a partner. It goes on to detail how you feel when you're with that special someone 'And if you wanting to know the truth, about what you mean to me, you make me feel, like I've become, who I'm supposed to be'
"Won’t you look at me and tell me
That you’re with me all the way
That you’ll be standing by my side
Forever, come what may"
The bridge seems to be seeking reassurance asking 'Won't you look at me and tell me, that you're with me all the way?' If this was an external person then it's perhaps easier to see and imagine; however for yourself to look into the mirror at yourself and say this, then it's almost as if you're psyching yourself up for life. Perhaps this is the type of pep talk we need
The song then returns to the chorus to close out the track. Almost reiterating their acceptance in their responsibility in life, and to another person, perhaps to start forming a relationship 'More than ready now to play my part ... And far from feeling that I've won, I'm ready for what's to come.' It's an interesting notion to think that we either win or we lose, however that is the survival of the fittest, life is but a game, multi-playered, multi-levels, different storylines and plot twists, nonetheless this doesn't detract from the sense of accomplishment we feel when things go right.
'In My Mind' is released today, 15th December 2023 and is available to stream and download form your usual music sites. Keep an eye on Crossfire Hearts social channels to find out where you can see them play.
