Waylon Nihipali and team Boots are the winners of the Single of the month January!
The contest was held via story on instagram, with a different twist than previous years. This year the countrymusic podcast outside the circle podcast, Julia(the blogger behind www.countrynightsandcitylights.com) and countryradio host Boots(bootsofeurope) decided to each nominate a candidate that would fight as a team to win the title.
The guys behind Outside the Circle podcast had Jeff Stauffers with the cover of Britney Spears "Baby One More Time" and Broadtree with the song "Home Don't Feel Like Home Anymore", and Julia chose Dylan Marlowe with "Record High" as her candidate.
It was a heated competition but Boots candidate Waylon Nihipali and the song "Thataway" won with 170 votes in total!
Why did Boots chose Waylon Nihipali as her candidate?
The Hawaiian country artist started making waves with country music by the release of "In Another mans Truck" in 2020. Until now the song has garnished close to 700.000 Spotify streams and the video has 2,1 million streams on YouTube. Whitin 2022, Nihipali released five new catchy tracks, among them the beautiful track "He's Her Life" that has gained 1,3 million YouTube views.
Needless to say, Waylon Nihipali has a solid fan base. He has a voice that effortlessly and comfortably guides the listener though the tracks. His music is well worked and his style and image is complete. With his music he proves he can do both ballads, heartbreak songs, as well as the classic groovy drinking songs we know from country music.
You know what to expect from Waylon and he delivers each time he releases music. This is an artist worth watching as he grows into the major country music industry.
