Stefan yet again provides another amazing song. This follows my previous review of his song ‘Beautiful Dancer’ released 23rd June 2023.
According to Stefan’s Spotify biography, most of his songs come from within himself, drawing upon his life experiences as one might expect. It continues by documenting how his writing process acts as a self-therapy, which is evident with the sadness and melancholy tones portrayed in his music.
“Stefan’s objective with his music is that it will continue to work as a way to vent his thoughts and also be there as a support for both himself and his listeners.”
This is very much a sentiment that I can share, in the same way that I hope my reviews and alternate perspectives to the lyrics can help others realise that in the depths of despair, you are never alone. Whatever emotion you’re feeling, there’s usually a song about it or embodies the feeling through the music.

“Heavy drops of rain keeps falling down.
Silent killer didn’t make no sound.
He left her body lying on the ground.
A flood of water rinsing of the blood,
Gutter Town, Gutter Town.”
The rain, perhaps symbolic of flowing tears for something, or someone lost to a “silent killer”. Reference to a “body lying on the ground” perhaps reflecting the corpse of past memories, a demonstrating how final death can be. The “water rinsing of the blood” paints an interesting image, one of a repent and cleansing. I find it most intriguing the concept of “Gutter Town”, many of us may know areas that fit such a description, however gutters can depict the density of areas quite aptly. Whether that be flowing or blocked, haemorrhaging and stifled progress.
“Broken floodlight doesn’t shed no lights
Corrupt mayor wouldn’t take the fight.
He could leave it for another night
For another failure would serve him right.
Gutter Town, Gutter Town.”
Reference to the “broken floodlights” are perhaps a hint at the diminished spark in our eyes, in ourselves. This can be down to many things, situational, emotional or personal reasons as much as it can be influenced by environmental factors too. The following lyric about “corrupt mayor” is perhaps reflected of the abuse of power, or how disconnected these positions are to those they serve. It also alludes to the fact that any negligence to matters would ultimately form part of their demise.
“Fallen Soldier made to look a clown
Served his country and this rotten town
They poured his ashes on his wedding gown
For his life choices they were frowned upon
Gutter Town Gutter Town.”
The fallen soldier reference is used as a metaphor for ourselves. We serve what we believe to be true, and sometimes end up looking the fool, but that’s life and how we all learn to navigate our lives. This verse gives the impression of disappointment, with “being made to look a clown” but also having our “life choices they were frowned upon.” What anyone else thinks is irrelevant. If it provides you with satisfaction and fulfilment then keep at it!
“A ray of sunshine on her broken spine
Couldn't help her spirit come alive
Another victim of this forgotten town
Another soul above the clouds
Gutter Town Gutter Town.”
This lyric is quite poignant in so much as its drawing light, positivity and hope on something (her broken spine) that’s broken. It’s proof how our surroundings and environment influence our spirit and our mental wellbeing.
“At ease soldier put your weapon down
Hitch a ride into the night
Gutter Town Gutter Town Gutter Town Gutter Town.”
It’s very interesting the use of a soldier, however it makes sense when you think of it. We’re all fighting our own battles one way or another, be that anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and body dysmorphia to name but a few. Reference to putting your weapon down is a strong image and perhaps one associated with surrender; yet I see this as being directed towards our negative self talk. We all carry the ability to voice these and allow them to grow, however we must pull on our inner strength. Whilst we may perceive it as a “Gutter Town” we should also remember the age old African proverb how ‘it takes a village to raise a child”. Whilst we may no longer consider ourselves a child, there is certainly strength in numbers and drawing upon those close.
“Gutter Town” evokes many different images and memories, perhaps of our own childhood, and is a beautiful depiction how much music can reflect all communities and demographics. The song was released 5th July 2024 and is available to download and stream from all your usual platforms.
